Sunday, April 22, 2007

Section D - Rocks

The orientation program culminated with the Talent Nite yesterday. The class of 2008 brought out all their talents to the fore. We have great guitarists, percussionists, singers, dancers, mimics and theater artistes. After heavy partying till 4 AM on saturday I was down in the bed whole day and consequently ruled myself out of the section D practice sessions and out of any stage performance. I really hate myself for doing this but I had some solid (not bloggable) reasons for not getting out of the party zone that night ;-). So I decided to be part of the cheering squad and chant our section slogans.

The stage performances were really impressive. The evening started with a poem dedicated to the class of 2007 by one of our batchmates. Section D guys produced some really brilliant stuff. Sudipto on the tabla, Sravanthi and team with the skit and Kanika, Sumiti et al with the dance all rocked their way and earned loads of points for the team. Eventually we finished second overall. Section F's skit called "Dhanno ka Pati" earned them 2000 points and the overall championship. I thought the section F cheering squad also did a fantastic job improvising new chants every 5 minutes.

So the gyaan and fun week finally ended with the entire batch of alums who stayed back going up stage and singing a couple of songs for us. I guess it was a really emotional moment for them. Over the week I realized that each one of them was so very proud of the ISB brand and they put their best foot forward to convey this message to us. The parting words from our alum Mala was "We all will be there for you not just the coming year but throughout life". Truly our alums rock.

Today is a rest day for us. I should pick up my pre-term booklets and glance through them a bit.