Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Chennai blues - II

"Surprise, surprise. Just close your eyes and sit here". Pramod sat on the couch wondering what Susan had up her sleeve.

"Ok. Open your eyes now"

"Wow. That is a surprise indeed. Let me try some". Pramod slurped and had a spoonful of the gajar-ka-halwa.

"So. Where did you buy this from?"

"Naughty. I made it for you"

"You are kidding me"

"No. Ever since you mentioned that you miss the halwa your mom makes I was planning on this. I googled up the recipe"

"And where did you get all the ingredients?"

"I went to the Patel store and bought these. The lady was really curious who I was trying to impress"

"And you told her my name?"

"Whatever is wrong with you. I will never get the idea of you secretly dating me"

"Nothing is sure as of now. I don't want the gossip hungry Indian housewives chirp away about us and get the story across all the way back home"

"Are they so bad?". Pramod just finished the halwa and gave back the bowl for a refill.
What does your friend Arjun think about us?"

"Arjun... He will support me in whatever I do. Just that I need to make up my mind"

"Take your time sweetheart". Susan gently kissed Pramod and rested on his shoulders.

Pramod continued his halwa feast. Everything was so sweet about Susan. But for her anguished past, a painful divorce and losing custody of her child. She was too young to have gone through all that. But now that she has found Pramod, life had a new meaning.

Pramod had never experienced so much attention in life. Everything was great about life now. It was all like a dream. But somehow he still knew there was something amiss.

To be concluded...


The Tall Dude said...

how i wish i was in Pramod's shoes to get all the attention cough cough..

smg said...

wooow! you do creative writing! :-)

btw... i loooove ur blog background... very cool!

Deepak Chembath said...

Tall guy...Pramod is rather short. You can't get into his shoes...LOL...

SMG..Thanks for calling it creative writing. I just write what ever I think. The background is great na. I got it from