Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Term 3 done - 37.5% MBA

A little over four months ago 422 young and old kids enrolled into this cute and fancy little program. They were all dreamy eyed, energetic and were ready to conquer the world. Today the dreamy eyes have given place to eyes that long for sleep, the energy levels are barely enough to withstand the battles at the testing arena. But one thing, they all still want to conquer the world. And they all took one more step closer towards this goal. At the end of another term of wizening, they are heaving a big sigh of relief, because as per past survivors the worst is now behind them. This term, of course, was the hardener 'coz they learnt some real serious stuff like Corporate Finance, Operations Management, Managerial Accounting and Entrepreneurship. As usual the learnings were immense but they were also daunted by the biggest roadblock in life called time. The day unfortunately had only 24 hours and the body would not always co-operate. But still they trudged along. Some managed to sprint in some phases and helped the others come up and some others did it when these guys stuttered. Everyone had some fun, some enlightenment, some realizations and some reassurances thrown in at them. And guess what they all managed to survive once more.

As much as they are all looking for the real challenges like ELPs, PAEV's and international placements, which are round the corner, they all are looking forward to this 5 day break. Cheers once again !